A. Understanding asbabun nuzulAsbabun Nuzul is defined "as a matter that therefore the Qur'an revealed to explain their legal status, at the time it happened, either in the form of events and questions", asbabun nuzul discuss these cases the decline in some verses of al-qur'an, kinds-kinds, sight (editor-editorial), Legal Affairs Committee of history-history and avail such a study.
To interpret the Quran sciences asbabun nuzul very desirable, so that there are those who specialize in the discussion in this area, which is famous of them is Ali bin civil, bukhari teacher, al-Wahidi, al-Ja'bar, which summarizes the book of al -Wahidi by eliminating the isnad-isnad, without adding anything, syikhul Islam ibn beat who authored a book about asbabun nuzul.
Basic guidelines for the scholars' in the know asbabun nuzul is derived from the authentic history of the prophet or from friends. That's because a friend about asbabun pembaritahuan nuzul, al-Wahidi said: "do not argue about asbabun nuzul kosher book, except with based on history or hear directly from people who witnessed the fall. Knowing the causes and discuss the meaning is sincere in looking for ".
The scholars' previous salaf to express something about their nuzul asbabun very careful, without having a clear knowledge they did not dare to interpret a verse that has been derived. Muhammad bin Sirin said: when I ask 'Ubaidah know a single verse the Quran, answered: bertaqwalah and said hello to a true god. Those who know about what oarang the Quran was revealed to have died.
That is: the companions, when a scholar like ibn Sirin, which includes prominent figures tabi'in been so cautious and careful about the history and the words that define, then it suggests that one must know absolutely asbabun nuzul. Therefore it can be used as a handle in asbabun nuzul is history sayings friend that looks like Musnad, that definitively shows asbabun nuzul.
Al-Wahidi has opposed scholars of his day for their carelessness towards asbabun nuzul history, even he (Al-Wahidi) accused them of lying and reminded them of high treason, saying: "Now, everyone likes mangada-exist and do lie; he puts his position in ignorance, without considering serious threat for people who do not know because the decline in verse ".
B. Guidelines to know asbabun nuzul
Aisha bint ever heard when Khaulah sa'labah questioned a thing to the prophet, he was charged zihar Praise be to Allaah. By her husband wear bin Samit said: "Messenger of Allah, my husband had spent my youth and had a couple of times I was expecting it, now that I'm getting old and no longer childless zihar he dropped me". Oh god actually means I complain to you, aisyah said: Gabriel suddenly bring down these verses are indeed gods have heard the word of the woman who complained to you about her husband, which is worn bin Samit.
"It is not meant as a reference for each person must look for the fall of each verse," because not all the verses revealed qur'an arise because of an event in the event, or because of a question. But there are among the verses of the Quran was revealed in the beginning without a cause, of the creed of faith, the obligations of Islam and Shari'a god in personal and social life.
Nuzul asbabun definition proposed in the division of the verses of the Qur'an to two groups: First, the group that fell without cause, and second, is the group down to a specific cause. Thus it can be known that not all the verses about faith, the obligation of religious Shari'a down without asbabun nuzul.
Friends of Ali ibn Mas'ud and others, certainly not one ayatpun derived unless one of them know about what the verse was revealed should not be understood through a few possibilities: First, with the statement that they intend to reveal how strong their attention to the Qur'an and follow every circumstance connected with it. Secondly, they were kind enough to have thought with all what they heard and saw on the messenger of God and allow that person to take what they know so it will not disappear with the end of their lives, however a matter of logic that can not be all asbabun nuzul of all the verses that have because al-nuzul they can see. Third, the narrators add to the periwatnya and membangsakannya to a friend.
The intensity of the companions have high spirits to follow the journey of revelation, they are not just trying to memorize the verses of the Qur'an and related matters, and they also preserve the sunna of the prophet, in line with that of al-judge explains the science of hadith that a friend who witnessed the revelation and al-qu'an lowered about an (event) then it is deemed Hadith Musnad hadith, Ibn al-Salah and others are also in line with this view.
Asbabun Nuzul with mursal hadiths, ie hadiths sanadnya seoarng fall of his friend and the chain of narrators only up to a tabi'in, then history is not accepted unless sanadnya saheeh and take his commentary of the Companions, such as mujahid, wisdom and bin Jubair said. the scholars determined that there is no way to know asbabun nuzul except through an authentic history. They can not accept the result of reason and ijtihad in this issue, but it seems their views do not always apply as absolute, it is not uncommon view of the narrations asbabun nuzul for certain verses differ sometimes requires Legal Affairs Committee (to take a stronger history) Legal Affairs Committee is required to perform analysis and ijtihad.
C. Various kinds of asbabun nuzul
In terms of cause and verse down, asbabun nuzul can be shared to ta'addud asbab wa al-Wahid al-nazil (because the drop in more than one and this issue is contained in a paragraph or group of verses that go down one) and ta'addud al nazil wa-al-Wahid sabab (this issue contained in the paragraph or group of verses which fell by more than one is because falling one). because down the verse referred to as single or single ta'addud if history is only one, otherwise if one verse or group of verses that fall called al-nazil ta'addud.
If found two or more history about the cause down the verses and each state a clear and distinct because of the mentioned his opponent, then this history should be researched and analyzed, the problem is there are four forms: First, one of the two hadeeth and other no. Second, both are authentic but one of them has the amplifier (Murajjih) and others do not. Third, both authentic and they both do not have the amplifier (Murajjih). However, both can be taken at a time. Fourth, both authentic, does not have the amplifier (Murajjih) and may not take both at once.
D. Knowledge of asbabun nuzul
The need to know asbabun nuzul, al-Wahidi said: "it is impossible to know the interpretation of verses of al-qur'an without mangetahui story and cause downs verse is a powerful way to understand the meaning of the Qur'an". Ibn Taymiyyah said: down to the bottom of the verse helps to understand the verses of the qur'an. Because knowledge of the "cause" will bring to the knowledge of the induced (caused).However the previously described as not all of the Qur'an must have for fall, the verses that have come down as well because not all of them must be known so that, without knowing the verse can be understood, fair ahmad kamal explains that decrease the verses of al-qur 'an through three ways:
The first verses down in reaction to the question raised to the prophet.
These two verses down for starters without preceded by events or questions.
These three verses which have come down because it is divided into two kelmpok;
The verses which cause the decline should be known (the law) because asbabun nuzulnya legal determination must be known in order not to be mistaken.
The verses are not necessarily known for downs, (concerning paragraph story in the Qur'an).
Most of the verses of the story down without a specific cause, but this is not true that all the verses of the story does not need to know because the decline, however most of the story of the Qur'an can not be understood without knowledge about cause and downs.
E. Asbabun avail nuzul
Bring to the knowledge about the secrets and purposes god specifically mensyari'atkan His religion through the Qur'an.
Assist in understanding the verses and avoid difficulties.
Can reject allegations of Hasr (restriction).
Can specialize (Takhsis) because according to legal scholars on the view that the cause must be considered is the specificity and generality rather than pronunciation.
Note also that because the clause has never dropped out of law contained in that paragraph even come mukhasisnya (which mengkhususkannya).
Down her verses tertetu known precisely so that no confusion can lead to the accusation against innocent people and the exemption for innocent people.
Will allow people to memorize the verses of the Qur'an as well as strengthen the presence of revelation in the memories of those who hear it to know for the decline.
A. Conclusion
Seteleh learn and see the discussion that has been described at length above, we can conclude Praise be to Allaah:
1. Asbabun nuzul defined
"As a matter for which the Qur'an was revealed to explain their legal status, at the time it happened, either in the form of events and questions", as well as having benefits in it.
2. How to drop Asbabun Nuzul it:
The first verses down in reaction to the question raised to the prophet.
These two verses down for starters without preceded by events or questions.
These three verses which have come down because it is divided into two kelmpok;
The verses which cause the decline should be known (the law) because asbabun nuzulnya legal determination must be known in order not to be mistaken.
The verses are not necessarily known for downs, (concerning paragraph story in the Qur'an).
3. Asbabun avail nuzul
Bring to the knowledge about the secrets and purposes god specifically mensyari'atkan His religion through the Qur'an.
Assist in understanding the verses and avoid the difficulty
Can reject allegations of Hasr (restriction).
Can specialize (Takhsis) because according to legal scholars on the view that the cause must be considered is the specificity and generality rather than pronunciation.
Note also that because the clause has never dropped out of law contained in that paragraph even come mukhasisnya (which mengkhususkannya).
Down her verses tertetu known precisely so that no confusion can lead to the accusation against innocent people and the exemption for innocent people.
Will allow people to memorize the verses of the Qur'an as well as strengthen the presence of revelation in the memories of those who hear it to know for the decline.
Abdul Wahid, Ramli.1994.ulumul qur’an.Jakarta:Rajawali
Al-khattan, Manna’ khalil.2001.Studi ilmu-ilmu qur’an.Bogor:PT. Pustaka litera antar nusa
Syadali, Ahmad.1997.Ulumul qur’an I.Bandung:CV. Pustaka Setia
Thamrin, Husni.1982.Muhimmah ulumul qur’an.Semarang:Bumi Aksara
Zuhdi, Masfuk.1993.Pengantar ulumul qur’an.Surabaya:Bina Ilmu
To interpret the Quran sciences asbabun nuzul very desirable, so that there are those who specialize in the discussion in this area, which is famous of them is Ali bin civil, bukhari teacher, al-Wahidi, al-Ja'bar, which summarizes the book of al -Wahidi by eliminating the isnad-isnad, without adding anything, syikhul Islam ibn beat who authored a book about asbabun nuzul.
Basic guidelines for the scholars' in the know asbabun nuzul is derived from the authentic history of the prophet or from friends. That's because a friend about asbabun pembaritahuan nuzul, al-Wahidi said: "do not argue about asbabun nuzul kosher book, except with based on history or hear directly from people who witnessed the fall. Knowing the causes and discuss the meaning is sincere in looking for ".
The scholars' previous salaf to express something about their nuzul asbabun very careful, without having a clear knowledge they did not dare to interpret a verse that has been derived. Muhammad bin Sirin said: when I ask 'Ubaidah know a single verse the Quran, answered: bertaqwalah and said hello to a true god. Those who know about what oarang the Quran was revealed to have died.
That is: the companions, when a scholar like ibn Sirin, which includes prominent figures tabi'in been so cautious and careful about the history and the words that define, then it suggests that one must know absolutely asbabun nuzul. Therefore it can be used as a handle in asbabun nuzul is history sayings friend that looks like Musnad, that definitively shows asbabun nuzul.
Al-Wahidi has opposed scholars of his day for their carelessness towards asbabun nuzul history, even he (Al-Wahidi) accused them of lying and reminded them of high treason, saying: "Now, everyone likes mangada-exist and do lie; he puts his position in ignorance, without considering serious threat for people who do not know because the decline in verse ".
B. Guidelines to know asbabun nuzul
Aisha bint ever heard when Khaulah sa'labah questioned a thing to the prophet, he was charged zihar Praise be to Allaah. By her husband wear bin Samit said: "Messenger of Allah, my husband had spent my youth and had a couple of times I was expecting it, now that I'm getting old and no longer childless zihar he dropped me". Oh god actually means I complain to you, aisyah said: Gabriel suddenly bring down these verses are indeed gods have heard the word of the woman who complained to you about her husband, which is worn bin Samit.
"It is not meant as a reference for each person must look for the fall of each verse," because not all the verses revealed qur'an arise because of an event in the event, or because of a question. But there are among the verses of the Quran was revealed in the beginning without a cause, of the creed of faith, the obligations of Islam and Shari'a god in personal and social life.
Nuzul asbabun definition proposed in the division of the verses of the Qur'an to two groups: First, the group that fell without cause, and second, is the group down to a specific cause. Thus it can be known that not all the verses about faith, the obligation of religious Shari'a down without asbabun nuzul.
Friends of Ali ibn Mas'ud and others, certainly not one ayatpun derived unless one of them know about what the verse was revealed should not be understood through a few possibilities: First, with the statement that they intend to reveal how strong their attention to the Qur'an and follow every circumstance connected with it. Secondly, they were kind enough to have thought with all what they heard and saw on the messenger of God and allow that person to take what they know so it will not disappear with the end of their lives, however a matter of logic that can not be all asbabun nuzul of all the verses that have because al-nuzul they can see. Third, the narrators add to the periwatnya and membangsakannya to a friend.
The intensity of the companions have high spirits to follow the journey of revelation, they are not just trying to memorize the verses of the Qur'an and related matters, and they also preserve the sunna of the prophet, in line with that of al-judge explains the science of hadith that a friend who witnessed the revelation and al-qu'an lowered about an (event) then it is deemed Hadith Musnad hadith, Ibn al-Salah and others are also in line with this view.
Asbabun Nuzul with mursal hadiths, ie hadiths sanadnya seoarng fall of his friend and the chain of narrators only up to a tabi'in, then history is not accepted unless sanadnya saheeh and take his commentary of the Companions, such as mujahid, wisdom and bin Jubair said. the scholars determined that there is no way to know asbabun nuzul except through an authentic history. They can not accept the result of reason and ijtihad in this issue, but it seems their views do not always apply as absolute, it is not uncommon view of the narrations asbabun nuzul for certain verses differ sometimes requires Legal Affairs Committee (to take a stronger history) Legal Affairs Committee is required to perform analysis and ijtihad.
C. Various kinds of asbabun nuzul
In terms of cause and verse down, asbabun nuzul can be shared to ta'addud asbab wa al-Wahid al-nazil (because the drop in more than one and this issue is contained in a paragraph or group of verses that go down one) and ta'addud al nazil wa-al-Wahid sabab (this issue contained in the paragraph or group of verses which fell by more than one is because falling one). because down the verse referred to as single or single ta'addud if history is only one, otherwise if one verse or group of verses that fall called al-nazil ta'addud.
If found two or more history about the cause down the verses and each state a clear and distinct because of the mentioned his opponent, then this history should be researched and analyzed, the problem is there are four forms: First, one of the two hadeeth and other no. Second, both are authentic but one of them has the amplifier (Murajjih) and others do not. Third, both authentic and they both do not have the amplifier (Murajjih). However, both can be taken at a time. Fourth, both authentic, does not have the amplifier (Murajjih) and may not take both at once.
D. Knowledge of asbabun nuzul
The need to know asbabun nuzul, al-Wahidi said: "it is impossible to know the interpretation of verses of al-qur'an without mangetahui story and cause downs verse is a powerful way to understand the meaning of the Qur'an". Ibn Taymiyyah said: down to the bottom of the verse helps to understand the verses of the qur'an. Because knowledge of the "cause" will bring to the knowledge of the induced (caused).However the previously described as not all of the Qur'an must have for fall, the verses that have come down as well because not all of them must be known so that, without knowing the verse can be understood, fair ahmad kamal explains that decrease the verses of al-qur 'an through three ways:
The first verses down in reaction to the question raised to the prophet.
These two verses down for starters without preceded by events or questions.
These three verses which have come down because it is divided into two kelmpok;
The verses which cause the decline should be known (the law) because asbabun nuzulnya legal determination must be known in order not to be mistaken.
The verses are not necessarily known for downs, (concerning paragraph story in the Qur'an).
Most of the verses of the story down without a specific cause, but this is not true that all the verses of the story does not need to know because the decline, however most of the story of the Qur'an can not be understood without knowledge about cause and downs.
E. Asbabun avail nuzul
Bring to the knowledge about the secrets and purposes god specifically mensyari'atkan His religion through the Qur'an.
Assist in understanding the verses and avoid difficulties.
Can reject allegations of Hasr (restriction).
Can specialize (Takhsis) because according to legal scholars on the view that the cause must be considered is the specificity and generality rather than pronunciation.
Note also that because the clause has never dropped out of law contained in that paragraph even come mukhasisnya (which mengkhususkannya).
Down her verses tertetu known precisely so that no confusion can lead to the accusation against innocent people and the exemption for innocent people.
Will allow people to memorize the verses of the Qur'an as well as strengthen the presence of revelation in the memories of those who hear it to know for the decline.
A. Conclusion
Seteleh learn and see the discussion that has been described at length above, we can conclude Praise be to Allaah:
1. Asbabun nuzul defined
"As a matter for which the Qur'an was revealed to explain their legal status, at the time it happened, either in the form of events and questions", as well as having benefits in it.
2. How to drop Asbabun Nuzul it:
The first verses down in reaction to the question raised to the prophet.
These two verses down for starters without preceded by events or questions.
These three verses which have come down because it is divided into two kelmpok;
The verses which cause the decline should be known (the law) because asbabun nuzulnya legal determination must be known in order not to be mistaken.
The verses are not necessarily known for downs, (concerning paragraph story in the Qur'an).
3. Asbabun avail nuzul
Bring to the knowledge about the secrets and purposes god specifically mensyari'atkan His religion through the Qur'an.
Assist in understanding the verses and avoid the difficulty
Can reject allegations of Hasr (restriction).
Can specialize (Takhsis) because according to legal scholars on the view that the cause must be considered is the specificity and generality rather than pronunciation.
Note also that because the clause has never dropped out of law contained in that paragraph even come mukhasisnya (which mengkhususkannya).
Down her verses tertetu known precisely so that no confusion can lead to the accusation against innocent people and the exemption for innocent people.
Will allow people to memorize the verses of the Qur'an as well as strengthen the presence of revelation in the memories of those who hear it to know for the decline.
Abdul Wahid, Ramli.1994.ulumul qur’an.Jakarta:Rajawali
Al-khattan, Manna’ khalil.2001.Studi ilmu-ilmu qur’an.Bogor:PT. Pustaka litera antar nusa
Syadali, Ahmad.1997.Ulumul qur’an I.Bandung:CV. Pustaka Setia
Thamrin, Husni.1982.Muhimmah ulumul qur’an.Semarang:Bumi Aksara
Zuhdi, Masfuk.1993.Pengantar ulumul qur’an.Surabaya:Bina Ilmu
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